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The Rose Buds

Rose Buds is a group of 19 girls in Muki Turi and 31 in Alem Ketema.  Becky visited them the last part of February and had a chance to talk to each one who was in school that day.  She asked them the most important thing that had happened to them this last quarter; good or bad, with school or just their private life.

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There were so many amazing stories.  The girls talked the most about how wonderful it is to “belong to themselves”.  They told stories about how they used to only be able to attend school or study when their “owners” would let them.  The next thing we heard a lot about was how their worry has been diminished to normal things so stability has come to their lives thus freeing them to focus on school. Trampled Rose provides each girl with enough funds to furnish lodging, food, school materials including uniform, sanitary supplies and health needs.

  etizayehu Etizayehu was one of the girls. When asked about her most outstanding event of the quarter she burst into tears.  Her mother almost died of diabetes.  She said she could see all the other Trampled Rose girls whizzing ahead and she found it hard to keep up. She had to let go of doing her best in school when her mother needed her so much. Her mother is doing well now and expected to live. Etizayehu can once again focus on her school work.

The tattoos on Etizayehu’s face are a common sign of beauty for Christians in rural Ethhiopia.


The girls in Alem Ketema have started a co-op.  They all save a small part of their money and put it in a pool to purchase resource books such as a dictionary.  Then they all share.

Money is deposited in each girl’s bank account. She must budget her money every month for rent, food, and school supplies. The bank manager believes the whole community has been affected by the girls having bank accounts. He wants each girl to come and visit with him to help them improve their confidence.
Here are two girls accessing their accounts. accessing-accounts

We also had so many girls talk about what a relief the help the Trampled Rose has been to their families and people who care about them because they could also stop worrying. Almost all talked about work account-book they had given up so they can now study.


Muki Turi Girls
Muki Turi Girls

 Rose Buds receive sanitary supplies so they can continue going to school all month. They also get school supplies.

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