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Education Success Ethiopia

Education Success Ethiopia

The success of Zinash

Zinash is one of our first Trampled Rose sponsored girls. Her story is another great example of Education Success Ethiopia. She began with our early Keeping Girls in School project in 2015/16. 

Ziinash was 18 years old when we first met. She was a junior in Merhabete, North Shoa, Ethiopia. Zinash has lived a hard life. She was orphaned young and lived with her grandfather, who is bedridden. Their home is about a 90-minute walk to and from school. Zinash walked both ways each school day and worked any kind of day job she could find. She went door to door each day after school asking the village residents for work and then walked the long-distance home. This did not leave her much time to study. Although a uniform is required to attend school, Zinash still hadn’t been able to afford one at the time this photo was taken. 

With Trampled Rose’s help, Zinash received enough funds to allow her to live in a small mudroom near her school. She received a new uniform every year, required school supplies, health care, and menstrual supplies allowing her to attend school every week of the month and enough food to eat and grow strong. Most importantly, she became free to concentrate on her studies and do even better in school. 

Despite all these obstacles, Zinash graduated number ten in her class and received a full scholarship to a public university. She is the first of our graduates to send a copy of her degree to us. She took it to Seleshi, the finance head in her village, with gratitude to make sure it was sent on to me.

This is the letter that came with this diploma from Sileshi Sine. He is a HERO! His wife is ill and lives at the Holy Water. He raises their children on his own. He is the head of the Trampled Rose Steering Committee in Merhabete. He fights so hard for the justice of girls that Tesfaye and I get afraid he will lose his political job. He’s an example of a true Warrior. He is the volunteer that provides all the reports and progress for more than fifty Trampled Rose girls per year from Merhabete. 

From: Sileshi Sine 

Dear Good afternoon.

I have attached a graduated student of Natural resource Management code No. MB-27. She is an orphan. She has lost her parents since childhood in the early 1990s. She is a successful child with the help of Neighborhood and Trampled Rose Inc. Thanks to God, to Trampled Rose Inc., to Becky and Ato Tesfaye!

Thank you.

Considering contributing to Trampled Rose today to help girls like Zinash.

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